Prohibitions by Virtue of the Direction of the Minister
The Direction of the Minister is as gazetted under Government Gazette No. 716 dated 30 January 1997 and Gazette (Amendment) dated 11 October 2001. The contents of the Direction from the Minister are as follows –
Names suggesting connection with a members of the Royal family or Royal patronage including names containing such words as “Royal”, “King”, “Queen”, “Prince”, “Princess”, “Crown”, “Regent” or “Imperial”;
Names suggesting connection with a State or Federal government department, statutory body, authority or government agency or any municipality or other local authority, including names containing such words as “Federal”, “State” or “National”;
Names suggesting connection with any Asean, Commonwealth or foreign government or with the United Nations or with any other international organization or cartel including names containing such words as “ASEAN”, “UNESCO”, “NATO”, “EEC” ,“OPEC”;
Names suggesting connection with any political party, society, trade union, co-operative society or building society;
Names including the following words or any words of like import: “Bank”, “Banker”, “Banking”, “Bumiputra”, “Bureau”, “Chamber of Commerce and Industry”, “Chamber of Manufacturers”, “Chartered”, “College”, “Consumer”, “Council”, “Credit”, “Exchange”, “Executor”, “Fair Price”, “Finance”, “Foundation”, “Fund”, “Guarantee”, “Institute”, “Insurance”, “Investment”, “Leasing”, “Made in Malaysia”, “Prime”, “Registry”, “Treasury”, “Trust”, “Unit Trust”, “University”
Names that are misleading as to the identity, nature, objects or purposes of a company or in any other manner;
Names that are blasphemous or likely to be offensive to members of the public;
Names which :
are translations of a name of a company or foreign company registered under the Act; or
may resemble or be mistaken for the name of any other company or foreign company registered under the Act; or
may resemble or be mistaken for a name that is being reserved for the purpose of incorporation of a new company or registration of a foreign company or for the purpose of a change of name of a company or foreign company registered under the Act.
If an applicant or promoter of a company has justify to use the names or words contained in the aforesaid Direction, the said applicant or promoter has to apply to the Minister through the Registrar of Companies, stating the reasons or justifications for using such names or words as part of the proposed name by the company, together with a payment of RM150.00
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