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Loss of Employment? Is the compensation taxable?
Posted at: 15-03-2023
Loss of Employment? Do you know you can get Tax Treatment?  While the recession hasn’t “officially” arrived, Malaysians are still feeling the heat with the rate of retrenchments and budget cuts due to the falling ringgit. If you are unfortunate enough to be laid off and receive the compensation, will this income be taxed? In this… Continue reading Loss of Employment? Is the compensation taxable?
Tax Estimation was NOT done properly?
Posted at: 13-03-2023
What If Tax Estimation Was Not Done Properly?  What are the possible consequences if tax estimation is not done properly? A taxpayer who fails to submit Form CP204 will be liable to pay a fine of not less than RM200 and not more than RM2,000 or to imprisonment for a term no than 6 months,… Continue reading Tax Estimation was NOT done properly?
Who should pay Withholding Tax?
Posted at: 11-03-2023
Withholding Tax on Foreign Service Provider in Malaysia As business owners, we want the best for our businesses. Therefore, sometimes we may enlist the services of foreign providers who are known to be the cream of the crop in their respective industries. When we make payments to these non-resident service providers, something called “withholding tax”… Continue reading Who should pay Withholding Tax?
What if I fail to pay Withholding Tax?
Posted at: 09-03-2023
Consequences of Not Remitting Withholding Tax   When the withholding tax (WHT) is not appropriately deducted and remitted to the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (HASiL), serious consequences will follow. What Constitutes Non-Compliance? The payer fails to pay WHT at the prescribed rate (whether deducted or not). The payer pays WHT late (not within the period… Continue reading What if I fail to pay Withholding Tax?
NOT all interest expenses are tax deductible!
Posted at: 07-03-2023
Interest Restriction As defined in Public Ruling No. 2/2011, “interest” is the return or compensation for the use or retention by a person of a sum of money belonging to or owed to another.  How does interest restriction work?  If you have taken a loan, you would have interest expenses incurred on the loan obtained. Pursuant to… Continue reading NOT all interest expenses are tax deductible!
Is key-man insurance tax deductible?
Posted at: 05-03-2023
Key-Man Insurance You may have heard of the saying “a company is only as good as its people”. At the end of the day, a business is run by people. Without the pivotal man or woman playing their respective roles in a company, the organisation may face the danger of crumbling apart.   That is… Continue reading Is key-man insurance tax deductible?
Is rental considered a business source of income?
Posted at: 03-03-2023
Income Received From Letting of Real Property Public Ruling No. 12/2018 (PR 12/2018) was issued to clarify the tax treatment on rental income received from the letting of real property. The key difference in tax treatment depends on whether the letting of real property can be deemed as a business source or not.   When… Continue reading Is rental considered a business source of income?
Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT) vs Income Tax
Posted at: 12-12-2022
What is RPGT? Real Property Gains Tax is one of Malaysia’s most important real estate taxes. If you made a profit from selling real estate, you need to make sure you pay the RPGT within 60 days of the sale to the Malaysia Inland Revenue Board (IRB). However, you do not have to pay RPGT… Continue reading Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT) vs Income Tax
Boss Boleh is Hiring Freelancers!
Posted at: 07-11-2022
Work from everywhere, when you want, and how you want!  Are you looking to earn additional income? Look no further because Boss Boleh is here to make that possible. Don’t worry! We even provide referral fees if you manage to refer clients to us as well!  By being a part of our team, you will… Continue reading Boss Boleh is Hiring Freelancers!
Winning MYHackathon 2020: Boss Boleh aims to improve the efficiency of government services
Posted at: 04-11-2022
Businesses flourish with innovative ideas and effective solutions, and they don’t come from a single place. This can be proved through the events that had occurred at MYHackathon 2020, a Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA) programme hosted by Cradle Fund. It is an initiative aimed to address national difficulties in servicing residents.  What happens… Continue reading Winning MYHackathon 2020: Boss Boleh aims to improve the efficiency of government services
Registering Your Sdn. Bhd. at A SSM Counter
Posted at: 19-10-2022
What is needed to form a Sdn. Bhd.?  For a company to run, the minimum requirement in Malaysia is having at least 1 director and 1 shareholder (same entity eligible) to incorporate the company. Apart from that, a few other criteria are required to be checked off.  Only 18 years old and above are eligible … Continue reading Registering Your Sdn. Bhd. at A SSM Counter
Registering Sdn. Bhd. Online through Boss Boleh
Posted at: 18-10-2022
Do you know all the important elements that are needed before registering your Sdn. Bhd. business? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We have put together a list of 5 key factors to address before starting your business just for you.  Read our full article here.  Why a company secretary?  Let’s say you are new… Continue reading Registering Sdn. Bhd. Online through Boss Boleh
2 Ways to Register A Sdn. Bhd. Company in Malaysia
Posted at: 17-10-2022
You’re probably here because you decided on starting a new business and wondering how to register a Sdn. Bhd. online in Malaysia.  TL; DR  You can register online, hassle-free and fast.  100% online via – RM 1,499 (Verify your identity online using eKYC)  50% online via SSM’s MyCoID – RM 1,010 (You’ll still need… Continue reading 2 Ways to Register A Sdn. Bhd. Company in Malaysia
Industry Guide
5 Key Factors to Address Before Starting Your Business
Posted at: 14-10-2022
Click here to read the Chinese version 点击此处阅读华语版本 The formation of a company is an important step in the process of starting a business. Besides sparing you the considerable hassle that comes with filling out the incorporation form, you can focus on the vital elements that matter most to your business by being aware of… Continue reading 5 Key Factors to Address Before Starting Your Business
Industry Guide
What You Need to Consider Before Joining an Accelerator Programme
Posted at: 14-10-2022
A new path in your life begins when you launch your first business. When things don’t appear to be heading your way, it’s only reasonable to feel concerned because there’s such a big learning curve to get over and so much is on the line. Your concern might then lead you to seeking support from… Continue reading What You Need to Consider Before Joining an Accelerator Programme
Which Business Model and Company Entity Suits You Best?
Posted at: 02-09-2022
It has been nearly two years ever since the pandemic brought a significant change to how our world works. Despite the drastic economic impacts that the pandemic has brought, it has created different business opportunities for the fellow entrepreneurs out there. To implement your business ideas while generating income will be one of the great… Continue reading Which Business Model and Company Entity Suits You Best?
Different ways to get Funding, and their Pros & Cons
Posted at: 02-09-2022
It might cost hundreds of ringgits to millions of ringgits to launch a business. What if you require money to support bigger company endeavours or get through challenging times during regular operations? You might need to consider the cost of marketing, hiring staff, purchasing equipment, or registering your business.  The best part is that you… Continue reading Different ways to get Funding, and their Pros & Cons
Proven Business Models That Ensure Success
Posted at: 29-08-2022
Maxis Business Spark series, Let’s Talk invites business owners from various industries to share, discuss and debate business strategies. Episode 4 of this series is called “Spark Let’s Talk: The Right Fit In The New Normal”, it brings two business owners with distinctly different business strategies together to uncover unique insights, perspectives as well as… Continue reading Proven Business Models That Ensure Success
Differences between Grant and Loan
Posted at: 26-08-2022
The government can finance your ideas and initiatives through grants in order to deliver public services and boost the economy. Moreover, you will require capital to build your business in order to maximize efficiency and profitability, which is why people seek business loans. Grant and loan offers are great ways to build momentum, advance projects,… Continue reading Differences between Grant and Loan
FAQ for Employment (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2022
Posted at: 25-08-2022
1st September 2022, all employees will be protected by the Employment Act 1955.  In view of the above update, we have gathered some FAQs about the topic and listed them down as follows:  All employees covered by the EA  Question: What is the impact of the EA being applicable to all employees?  Answer: It means that ALL… Continue reading FAQ for Employment (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2022
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